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29 Going on 30

I woke up with an odd emotion of the day after your 30th birthday, RELIEF!

It hit me hard that ever since I was a young child, I had an extremely unrealistic amount of expectations for my 20s and even more than unrealistic, they were unhealthy! I woke up this morning and realized, what's done is done. I can't change anything else that happened in that decade, thank goodness it's over.

I felt a huge weight lift from myself, did I even think twice about my life older than 30? No way! Cool, huh?! It means I can be as weird as I want, I don't feel pressured to meet some beauty standard, I don't care as much if you like me (hey, I'm a recovering people pleaser so it'll take some time,) I can simply enjoy because my life is INCREDIBLE. I built it this way and never got the chance to slow down enough to pat myself on the back and celebrate.

My definition of fun is different. I find snuggling my girls to sleep so much more rewarding than partying and instead of wasting money on unnecessary crap, I now treat myself to a run. I like unpopular things and I'm no longer afraid of how you'll judge me for it:

-I love black licorice (seriously, I have to eat every single piece no matter the size of the package opened)

-I love running (I'm not even good but I know it's good for me)

-I love dogs shamelessly. I'm still the only person that I've heard can come on TOO strong to dogs, the most friendly creatures in our homes.

Ok those aren't too weird but I'll include more if I remember.

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